Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)

Our mission is to ensure a standard of academic excellence by providing a nurturing environment that allows each child to reach their fullest potential as students and citizens.

MULTI-TIERED SYSTEM OF SUPPORT (MTSS) is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, researched-based academic and behavioral practices.

NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all.  MTSS is about problem solving, not pre-referral for staffing into the Exceptional Student Education programs.  It is an early intervention and prevention process that utilizes MTSS Coordinator, MTSS teams, grade level teams and administration to find solutions to a student’s lack of response to the core curriculum or behavioral expectations.  The goal is identification and implementation of researched-based interventions over a period of time that will increase student success.

An Integrated Academic and Behavioral System; MTSS is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all.  MTSS has 6 Critical Components: Leadership, Data-based Problem Solving, Data evaluation, 5 Tiers of instruction/intervention, building capacity/infrastructure for implementation, communication and collaboration.  Essential Elements of Core (Tier I) consist of Environment, Curriculum, Instruction and Data-Evaluation.

Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for Families

The Problem Solving Process:

  • Define the Problem: What is the problem?  (Determine discrepancy between what’s expected and what’s occurring).
    • Determine if a problem exists
    • Identify areas of concern
    • List problem behaviors
    • Prioritize the primary area of concern to address first (focus area)
    • Define the problem (in observable and measurable terms)
    • What is the child currently doing?
    • What is the expected level of performance (teacher expectation, replacement behavior)?
    • What standard was utilized (peer comparison, curriculum, teacher, policy, etc.)?
  • Problem Analysis: Why is it happening?  (Use data to determine why discrepancy is occurring)
    • Why is the problem occurring?
    • Skill deficit vs. performance deficit?
    • Are there times when the problem is more or less likely to occur?
    • Is there a suspected disability?
    • Consider various influencing factors (child, instructional, educational environment, peer, familial)
  • Develop a Plan: What will we do?
    • What is the goal (what level of performance is expected by what date)?
    • Write the goal, specifying criteria, measurement and desired behavior.
    • What is the intervention plan?  (Accommodations/modifications, motivation, strategies to teach behavior)?
    • What is the action plan to monitor progress?
  • Implement the plan: How do we support the plan?
    • Who?                The teacher, support personnel, MTSS Coordinator
    • What?               Materials, resources that are researched based will be implemented with fidelity
    • Where?             In the classroom, separate setting
    • When?              How long 6-8 weeks
    • Frequency?      Tier I ALL students daily, Tier II 2 days a week, Tier III 3 days a week
  • Evaluate: How will we know it is working?
  • Ongoing assessment data (progress monitoring) is needed to determine effectiveness of the plan
    • Review goals and objectives- analyze data to determine gaps
    • Graph/plot student data- requires 6 data points to determine progress
    • Did the student meet or exceed the goals?

Guiding Principles:

1. Conduct universal screening and benchmarking.  American Renaissance School will administer NWEA MAP three times per school year to kindergarten through eighth grade students.  MClass will be administered to kindergarten through third grade.

2. Use a multi-tiered model.  American Renaissance School has developed a five-tiered model to meet the needs of all students.  In an MTSS system, all students receive instruction in the core curriculum, supplemented by strategic and intensive interventions when needed.  Therefore, all students, including exceptional education students, may be found in Tier I (with the exception of profoundly disabled students).  Based on universal screening results and classroom performance, progress monitoring, fidelity of implementation and problem solving occur within each tier.  Students will receive differentiated core instruction and additional support or enrichment during the school day.  Tier levels are determined by a variety of data points including but not limited to screeners, common assessments and state assessments.

        a.      Tier I Differentiated Core instruction: ALL Students

        b.      Tier I With Interventions: 41%-60% Percentile

        c.       Tier II: 21%-40% Percentile

        d.      Tier III: 20% or below  Percentile

        e.      Tier IV: 80%-100% Percentile

3.      Use scientific, researched-based interventions/instruction.  The critical element of MTSS framework is the delivery of scientific, research-based interventions with fidelity in general, remedial and exceptional education.  This means that the curriculum and instructional approaches must have a high probability of success for the majority of students.  Since instructional practices vary in efficacy, ensuring that the practices and curriculum have demonstrated validity is an important consideration in the selection of interventions.  ARS will implement researched-based interventions, monitor the effectiveness, and modify implementation based on student results. 

4.      Monitor Classroom Performance.  General education teachers provide high quality instruction.  Classroom teachers develop and implement differentiated instruction for all students.  Students receiving supplemental support or intensive support will be progressed monitored with fidelity as stated in their tier plan.  Teacher will track student’s progress using a graph with 6 or more data points to show if student is making progress towards goal. 

5.      Monitor Progress Frequently.  In order to determine if the intervention is working for a student, the teacher must establish and implement progress monitoring.  Progress monitoring is the use of assessments that can be conducted frequently and are sensitive to small changes in student behavior.  Data collected through progress monitoring will inform the teacher and the MTSS committee whether changes in the instruction or goals are needed.   Informed decisions about students’ needs require frequent data collection to provide reliable measures of progress.  Various curriculum-based measurements are useful tools for monitoring students’ progress.  COMMUNICATION WITH OTHER TIERS:  Teachers will ensure that all students are receiving differentiated core instruction.  Planning during PLC’s will ensure that standards are being taught and differentiated as well as supplemental and intensive plans being developed for Tier II and Tier III students. 

6.      Implement with Fidelity. Fidelity refers to the implementation of instruction as designed, intended, and planned.  Fidelity is achieved through adequate time allocation, adequate intervention intensity, qualified and trained staff, and sufficient materials and resources.  Fidelity is vital in universal screening, instructional delivery and progress monitoring.  Successful MTSS systems must consistently maintain high levels of fidelity in the implementation of both interventions and progress monitoring.  This means that the intervention plans and applied consistently and accurately.  It is the responsibility of the MTSS Coordinator to ensure fidelity by monitoring the delivery of instruction (e.g., walkthroughs, observations, PLC conversations).  MTSS Coordinators will check specifically that explicit and differentiated instruction, discipline plan/positive behavior support implementation and appropriate documentation, is included in lesson plans. 

7.      The FIVE-TIER Model for ARS illustrates the layers of instruction that teachers will implement for students.

We greatly value the feedback of our parents and community! If you have anything to share, please get in touch.

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