Board of Directors

Our Board

Public charter schools are different from traditional public schools in a number of important ways. One of the main differences between public charter schools and traditional public schools is in the way governance is structured. Unlike traditional public schools, public charter schools are governed and operated by the Board of a private non-profit corporation. Board members are recruited or elected volunteers that are responsible for governance, budgeting, fiscal oversight, curriculum, operating procedures and strategic planning at the school, among other responsibilities. The Board holds the school's charter, receives grants and funding, and is responsible for sound administration and oversight. The Board works closely with the Executive Director and has a direct impact on the ultimate success of the school.

Board meetings are open to the public, families, and staff. Community members are also welcome and encouraged to attend. Meeting times are posted in advance of meetings on this webpage and on the school calendar.

More information about the role of the charter school board is available through the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI) at:

We are always accepting applications, if you are interested in being on the ARS Board of Directors, click the link below:

The ARS Board of Directors meets the 2nd Monday of each month.

School Calendar

Board Members

Paul RenegarBoard ChairPaul [email protected]
Falon SpeaksVice Chair[email protected]
Felisha McDonaldSecretary[email protected]

Andrew Koontz in memoriam

Treasurer[email protected]
Katherine Smith
[email protected]
Anna Murdock[email protected]
Kelly Hicks
[email protected]
Martin Gottholm
[email protected]
Chad Nichols
[email protected]

ARS Board of Directors:

Paul Renegar, Board ChairPaul Renegar is a member of the Board of Directors at American Renaissance School here in Downtown Statesville, North Carolina.
Anna Murdock, Board MemberAnna Murdock is a member of the Board of Directors at American Renaissance School here in Downtown Statesville, North Carolina.
Tracy Sain, Board ChairTracy Sain is the Board Chair on the Board of Directors here at American Renaissance School here in Downtown Statesville, North Carolina.
Falon Speaks, SecretaryFalon Speaks is the Secretary on the Board of Directors here at American Renaissance School here in Downtown Statesville, North Carolina.
Danny Carpenter, TreasurerDanny Carpenter the Treasurer on the Board of Directors here at American Renaissance School here in Downtown Statesville, North Carolina.
Andrew KoontzAndrew Koontz on the Board of Directors here at American Renaissance School here in Downtown Statesville, North Carolina.
We greatly value the feedback from our parents and community! If you have anything to share, please get in touch.

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