Exceptional Children

Our mission is to ensure a standard of academic excellence by providing a nurturing environment that allows each child to reach their fullest potential as students and citizens.

Exceptional Children

The mission of American Renaissance School is to ensure a standard of academic excellence by providing a nurturing environment that allows each child to reach their fullest potential as students and citizens.

The vision of American Renaissance School is to be the best choice for education in North Carolina.

American Renaissance School’s Exceptional Children’s department is dedicated to ensuring that all students with disabilities have access to a full continuum of educational opportunities and services based on individual needs as part of the schoolwide mission and vision. ARS provides special education services and related services according to the Federal mandates of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act. This department also consults with the counseling department as needed on 504 plans that are written for students with a medical or mental impairment that significantly impairs a major life activity. This plan is part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1993. ARS also provides support and training to regular education teachers as needed to implement interventions, accommodations, and modifications in the regular education classroom setting. The Public Schools of North Carolina, Exceptional Children Division provides ARS with detailed policies for the delivery of special education services. These rules and regulations are detailed in Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities, Amended June 2018.

Students with disabilities at ARS are provided a full continuum of services. They may receive co-teaching (inclusion), pull-out special education, or self-contained special education for specific needs. These decisions are made by the IEP team for each student.

Students with disabilities are to be educated with non-disabled students to the maximum extent possible; the least restrictive environment. They are also to participate with non-disabled peers in Encore classes and non-academic or extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate.

The design and delivery of specially designed instruction is the core of the ARS Exceptional Children’s department. Specially designed instruction ensures students with disabilities receive high-quality instruction and services that will result in mastery of academic and functional standards, completion of 8th grade, and meaningful high school outcomes.

IEP Teams at ARS consider the available service delivery options based on the needs of the student. Teams may consider regular, resource, or separate settings for students participating in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. They may also consider self-contained classes for students with significant cognitive or developmental disabilities who participate in the North Carolina Extended Content Standards.

For questions regarding our Exceptional Children program, please complete this form.

We greatly value the feedback of our parents and community! If you have anything to share, please get in touch.

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