Christine Husvar - Class of 2006
High School: South Iredell High School/Huskins Mitchell Community College Program
College(s): Appalachian State University & ISACA Member
Occupation: Staff IT Security/HIPAA Compliance Internal Auditor for Community Health Systems
"I learned believing in yourself is the key to becoming successful. I was a transfer student from Statesville Middle School and I was a year behind in english when I entered my 7th grade year. ARS placed me in all of the highest classes (Core 6) at that time. My english teacher Mrs. Hartle worked with me to ensure I had the concepts that I lost in the 6th grade. Concepts I lost because of a teacher that told my parents that I wasn't smart enough to be with the advanced students. Mrs. Hartle and the other teachers saved my education. From that point forward I learned if you work hard enough, you can be successful. My family and I will forever be grateful for ARS. I now live in Nashville, TN and audit hospitals for HIPAA compliance. I'll be attending the National OCR conference for HIPAA in DC in 2019. Believing in yourself, that's the key."